

  • Stepping Into 2021


    Stepping Into 2021

    I think we can say it’s been a funny ol' year at the least.

    The photo is a combination of the last sunrise of the year and the last moonset.

    2021 is going to be a very busy year for me as I finally get to push the “Robin Hood’s Bay Walking Guides” project towards full throttle - and there will be, in time, much more than just the photographic walking guides.

    The coming year also sees the launch of #Walkshire - a year long campaign with events to promote the joys of walking in Yorkshire.

    Here’s a link to a piece on the Yorkshire Post site:

    For now, I shall simply wish you a happy new year ahead that brings you most of what you want and all of what you need.


  • Old St Stephen's Church Walk


    Book 1: Introductions Please - Old St Stephen’s Church Walk

    A little taster of the Old St Stephen’s Walk from “Book 1: Introductions Please”.

    It’s a lovely 1 hour or so walk and brings you the opportunity to see inside the old church with it’s unique layout and wonderful architecture.

  • Robin Hood's Bay Walks Book 1: Introductions Please


    Robin Hood’s Bay Walks Book 1: Introductions Please

    This first photographic walking guide acts as an introduction to the varied scenery of the Bay area - cliff tops, beach, Cinder Track, wooded valleys, moor egde and more. Also included is a shortened version of the “Robin Hood’s Bay Guide” to assist whilst you are here. Whilst I intend to bring the photographic walking guides out as a series of ebooks, it felt appropriate to let this first book escape as a free, interactive pdf download for a while (simply click on the “Free Downloads” section at the top of the page). This way, folk can become acquainted with the way the guides work and any, as yet unseen, glitches or mistakes can be ironed out. No matter how much proof-reading and testing is done there is always at least one hiding somewhere… usually in plain sight! If you spot anything or encounter a glitch please email me at JL

  • Free 58 page Robin Hood's Bay Guide


    Free 58 page Robin Hood’s Bay Guide

    The free pdf Robin Hood’s Bay Guide is now available to download.

    “Why have a 58 page, interactive pdf guide for free?” I hear you say.

    My original intent was to have it for sale at a modest price as an ebook. Sadly the layout of the book is such that kindle etc would basically turn it into a complete mess. So I decided to turn it into a pdf for downloading. Some people sell their pdfs online but it would be too easy for someone to just lift it and then try to sell it on themselves or provide it free to drive traffic to their website. I only have one mouth to feed so it was no big loss to me and it made more sense to use the guide to guide people (see what I did there) to my website where the “Walking Guides” and other products will soon be available. I hope that makes sense and if it does perhaps you’ll be able to explain it to me one day.

    Stay safe and enjoy your stay in the Robin Hood’s Bay area.

    Walk tall and look the world right in the eye.


  • Coming Soon


    A warm welcome to the Robin Hood’s Bay Walks website.

    As an almost professional procrastinator, the coronavirus outbreak simply provided me with yet one more reason not to rush.

    Before I release the first photographic walking guide (6 local walks to give you a flavour of this wonderful area), I’ll be uploading the “Robin Hood’s Bay Guide” - a local yokel’s guide to just about everything… tomorrow (if the tech-pixies take the day off!).

    The guide is a 58 page, free, interactive, downloadable PDF covering every aspect and service in the area that I could think of. So many guides give you the basics and leave you with a shed load of questions. My intention is to bring you the answers to most of those questions in one comprehensive guide.

    I have not a single doubt that there will still be something I’ve missed, so please feel free to suggest additions for future guides.


  • Welcome to the Robin Hood's Bay Walks Site!


    A warm welcome to the Robin Hood’s Bay Walks website.

    It all began with walkers stopping outside my house, a little lost and looking for a particular stile. I looked at their ‘walking guide’, its maps & instructions… and pondered… what if… you could have a walking guide with photographs & guide notes of all the key points along the way so you would always know you were ‘on track’?

    “Of course, the walking guide would be improved with a basic guide to the village.” And so, I disappeared down that rabbit hole too.

    Coming August 2020:

    “Robin Hood’s Bay Guide”

    A detailed guide of maps and information to Robin Hood’s Bay, its facilities and services, including lots of useful information you don’t normally find in most guides.

    UPDATE Aug 14th 2020 - the Robin Hood’s Bay Guide is now available. Just click on the ‘Free Downloads’ section.

    “Robin Hood’s Bay Walks” - Book 1.

    A ‘photographic’ walking guide with key marker points for 6 walks in the local area to bring you an introductory flavour of the many lovely walks and varied scenery you can find here. It also contains a basic map guide to Robin Hood’s Bay & area.

    UPDATE Aug 14th 2020 - a sample guide of the Bay to Whitby Cleveland Way cliff path route is now available. Just click on the ‘Free Downloads’ section.